Nixdorf Computer AG used the Hannover Fair to introduce a number of new systems to its range of hardware, including the 8810 personal computer range, the Targon Unix systems family, and the Quattro family. The Quattro com/bi family – a combination of the existing 8870 multi-processor business computers with the System 8818 PABX, which supports the emerging Integrated Services Digital Networking standards and is aimed at businesses looking to set up in-house networks. There are three models, ranging from the com/bi-30, with two processors and support for 18 workstations, to the four (parallel) processors for 30 workstations, 15 printers, and a secondary memory capacity of 1.5Gb. Telecommunications services such as telephones, data terminals, viewdata, telefax and teletex are also supported, and the system can function as a full-scale PABX. Price and availability details were not available. On the personal front, the 8810/75 80386-based personal computer running Unix System V has been given the Targon tag, but Nixdorf is emphasising the integration of its personal computers with its larger systems via networking (it also demonstrated the OS/2 operating system), and the true low-end of the multi-user Targon Series is the newly introduced Targon/31 Model 5, a four-user, 68030-based micro that is the first of a planned range of machines using the new Motorola microprocessor. The single-board computer implementation reduces some of the performance advantages that might be expected from the upgraded chip, but will achieve greatly reduced production costs, said the company. Due out in August, the machine in standard configuration is expected to cost around DM22,000 – $13,200. At the top-end of the Targon range, Nixdorf announced the /35 Model 50, based on the three-processor Pyramid Series 9000.