Hyperdesk Corp is announcing new partnerships with independent software vendors along with its HD-DOMS Distributed Object Management System rollout at UniForum. As well as the expected tie-in with IXI Ltd, Westborough, Massachusetts-based Hyperdesk is also announcing agreements with Uniplex Ltd, Constellation Software Inc and Netwise Corp. IXI will incorporate HD-DOMS into future releases of its X.desktop graphical desktop manager, enabling it to display and manage Hyperdesk objects as well as standard Unix files. Uniplex says it will base its new-generation client-server products using HD-DOMS as a fundamental layer for building new applications. Constellation Software Inc, a 1990 Framingham, Massachusetts start-up, will incorporate the product into its HyperStar client-server database access product for Unix and Windows, which gives users the ability to perform multiple database queries and updates in a multi-vendor distributed network. Hyperdesk is taking an option to relicense the HyperStar product. And NetWise Corp of Boulder, Colorado, says it is working together with Hyperdesk to integrate the product with its Remote Procedure Call technology for distributed application development. HD-DOMS, which makes its debut at UniForum, is billed as the first suite of software tools and services designed to enable application developers to build and integrate open distributed applications for PCs, workstations and servers. It will be demonstrated on Data General AViiON and Sun Sparc hardware, integrated with the Informix Wingz spreadsheet and a Windows 3 clipboard hooked up to WordPerfect, accessing flat files, databases and HyperDesk objects through the object request broker. It conforms to the Object Management Group standards. Development kits, ready next month, will cost $2,000, run-times, due later, are $500.