The radically new computing technology of neural networking, which mimics in simple form the operation of the central nervous system of vertebrates, has taken a significant step forward with four venture capital firms coming forward to finance one of the first start-up companies in the field. The company is Hecht-Nielsen Neurocomputer Corp, San Diego, which although formed only in October last year has already introduced its first product, the Anza Neurocomputing Coprocessor System. The stated corporate goal of Hecht-Nielsen Neurocomputers is to ensure the acceptance and widespread use of neural network technology, and to accelerate its integration with present computing techniques. It reckons that the best way to achieve its goal is to offer a complete, one-source solution to the problems of mastering and applying the technology to real-world applications, and accordingly it offers neural network hardware, software, applications training, and customer support; and also develops special-purpose neurocomputers for OEM customers, as well as doing consultancy on application of the technology. Financial details were not given, but backers of the new company are lead investor Battery Ventures of Boston, with Aetna Life and Casualty Co and E S Jacobs & Co. No financial details were given. Oliver Curme of Battery is very bullish about the firm, saying Very seldom do investment opportunities like this come along: a radically new technology that’s already showing practical results. Unlike most other new technologies in the early stages, there are already many people putting Hecht-Nielsen’s neural network technology to work in aerospace, defence, signal processing and financial applications. Management team of the new firm is Dr Robert Hecht-Nielsen, chairman, who has an academic background; Robert North, president, who was formerly vice-president and general manager of an early neural networks pioneer, TRW’s Electronic Systems Group; and executive vice-president Dr Gerald Farmer, who was involved in the early stages of artificial intelligence systems and applications marketing with Xerox.