Medic4you is a telemedicine service based on the newest telecommunication technologies and services. Medical consultants are now available for Orange clients subscribing to the Medic4you service throughout Romania at home and at the office, and while traveling abroad. Medic4you’s doctors can review the client’s medical information using any of 18 different languages, can prescribe drugs and offer a consultation or can send the patient to a medical facility, said Medic4all.

Together with this service, Orange and Medic4all offer to their clients the WristClinic health monitoring device. The WristClinic is a hand bracelet automatically measuring blood pressure, pulse, ECG, body temperature, cardiac rhythm, level of oxygen saturation, and other medical parameters. The WristClinic sends the test results via bluetooth to the Orange mobile telephone and via the Orange network to Medic4You’s medical consultants.

Christos Phocas, manager of corporate fixed data services development at Orange Romania, said: Health is the fundamental value of the quality of life, which is why, Orange and Medic4all are launching together the Medic4you service in Romania.