According to the company, the Optenet Bandwidth Management (OBM) offers internet service providers (ISPs) a tool that enables network traffic control. The new feature can be utilised by service providers within their own networks and may also be offered as a value-added service to their customers.

With Optenet’s bandwidth management, the ISP or customer administrator can monitor and control the bandwidth resources consumed by a URL connection, an IP address, or a traffic group, to reduce network congestion caused by practices such as streaming video, frequenting social network sites, and the downloading of multi-media files, said Optenet.

Unlike traditional bandwidth optimisation offerings that indiscriminately block all bandwidth-intensive applications within a given firewall, OBM uses Optenet’s filtering and granular categorisation technology to manage resource utilisation. This allows ISPs to prioritise critical traffic flow by temporarily disabling non-essential traffic when network usage thresholds reach predefined levels, added Optenet.

The new Optenet bandwidth management tool allows service providers to define global, regional, business unit, workgroup and/or individualised control thresholds based on their customers’ network traffic needs.

“In order to ensure performance for all business processes it’s critical for both enterprises and service providers to control their network traffic in real-time,” said Javier Peralta, Sales Director for Optenet in the UK. “When businesses add new, bandwidth-intensive applications, like VoIP and Web conferencing, or expand their services in other ways, prioritising traffic for these  applications that require such high-quality connectivity is of the highest importance.”