Mozilla has launched a net neutrality campaign in the wake of what it calls "a stunning victory" over new internet traffic guidelines drafted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
The company is urging its users to sign a petition supporting FCC plans to treat broadband as a Title 2 utility, which will ensure the regulators can stop internet providers discriminating on how they price different traffic.
Dave Steer, director of advocacy at Mozilla, wrote on the company blog: "The FCC’s proposal is consistent with what we all wanted. In essence, ISPs will not be able to create Internet fast lanes for the few big corporate giants that can afford it, and slow lanes for the rest of us.
"But victory is never guaranteed. There are a handful of powerful interests in the cable and telecom industry that want to control both what is possible and what is imaginable on the Web."
Fear over net neutrality was a persistent theme throughout last year, with many social media networks bristling with concern that broadband providers would be allowed to start charging higher prices for a "fast lane" service.
The appointment of Tom Wheeler as chair of the FCC only encouraged hand-wringing because of his connections to the networking industry, but such concerns proved unfounded as he unveiled his plans for the industry in a statement send to Wired this week.
"The internet must be fast, fair and open," he said. "That is the message I’ve heard from consumers and innovators across this nation.
"That is the principle that has enabled the internet to become an unprecedented platform for innovation and human expression. And that is the lesson I learned heading a tech startup at the dawn of the internet age."
His proposals will be put to a vote at the FCC on February 26.