As the Internet of Things continues to accelerate in growth, many businesses look for ways to deploy the innovative technologies into their business strategy, with one of the main ways being in customer experience.

This not only boosts the recognition of IoT and its many capabilities, but also advances skills in business offerings.

CBR spoke to Ari Banerjee, Senior Director, Strategy at Netcracker Technology on ways the best IoT applications can be used in combination with delivering an efficient customer experience.


Ari Banerjee, Senior Director, Strategy at Netcracker Technology
Ari Banerjee, Senior Director, Strategy at Netcracker Technology
HW: How do you feel businesses can deliver the best IoT applications, whilst delivering good customer experience?

AB: The best IoT applications need to be built taking into account diverse range of data sources, to enable application developers to create solutions that draw from different M2M devices that are targeted and personalized to meet customer requirements. It is the role of IoT application platforms to focus on supporting a seamless and intuitive environment in which IoT application developers can focus on developing application functionality, without worrying about underlying and supporting mechanics.


HW: In what ways will implementing next-gen applications both benefit and effect customer experience?

AB: CSPs need to be armed with right solutions to be able to charge IoT transaction based on value and not just connectivity parameters. The key to smart monetization is to identify the intrinsic value of IoT service and charge accordingly. CSPs with access to the underlying application data can help enterprises provide tiered services for different asset types, at different speeds, or with unique classes of service and prioritization schemes, or for bundling multiple assets associated with a single subscription as other options to grow revenues.


HW: What next-gen IoT offerings do you feel will provide the most/ or best customer experiences and why?

Any IoT offerings that addresses child safety/security, health monitoring for elderly, home security, smart city, connected cars has the potential to provide most value and customer experience to subscribers.


HW: What risks do you see IoT having in the future and how can they be prevented?

AB: Security, privacy and scalability issues remain. With the advent of 5G, the number of connected devices will increase manifold. Different IoT initiatives such as smart cities and smart cars will require compute and storage resources in new places where mobile operators aren’t currently engaged.

SDN/NFV will play a key role in this because without that defining slices of a network for specific applications would be very expensive. Managing fluctuating demand on network can be handled effectively with SDN/NFV as peaks in demand can be handled by turning on additional capacity that is software-based. Virtualization can enable networking slicing, which can be used to tailor solutions efficiently for enterprises. Enterprises in mining, public safety, agriculture, manufacturing, utilities and other industries can cost-effectively have their own network slice adapted to their business needs, which will assist in driving growth and productivity in their businesses.