According to the company, the first application of the Wave Bonding technology will target higher channel counts at 10G using a 4x10G muxponder to multiplex four 10G payloads onto a 40G wavelength. Wave Bonding is expected to allow Ekinops to achieve up to 320 channels, all in the C-Band spectrum, at 10G.
The initial offering in early 2009 will feature a 4x10G muxponder, enabling 160 channels of 10G transmission. Later in 2009, Ekinops plans to deliver a 40G serial interface, and at that point be able to offer 320 channels of 10G, or 80 channels of 40G, all in the C-Band spectrum.

Other 40G systems don’t transmit as far as 10G systems, requiring customers who want to move up from 10G to 40G over longer links to disrupt their network routes and install regeneration equipment. Ekinops’ Wave Bonding technology enables delivery of 40G with the same performance characteristics as its 10G transmission. That includes its reach to a distance of 2,000 kilometers with full channel counts on the Ekinops 360 transport system.

Rob Adams, vice president of global marketing for Ekinops, said: “40G transmission systems have been much more costly than the comparable equipment to deliver four 10G channels, and haven’t offered the same performance. So there has been no real benefit in making the move to 40G. Ekinops has solved both those problems with our Wave Bonding technology.”