Ofcom have released its annual consumer experience report, revealing that broadband had the highest dissatisfaction levels in the telecoms sector.

Broadband users were the most likely telecoms customers to say they had had reason to complain, with 12 percent. This was followed by mobile customers at 7 percent and fixed-line customers at 6 percent.

A total 8 percent of broadband customers said they had complained, around 69 percent of those who claimed to have cause.

While three-quarters of broadband customers were satisfied with the speeds they get online, dissatisfaction rose among those customers who described themselves as "engaged" (26 percent) and "interested" (19 percent) in the service.

The communications watchdog also revealed that in the year to October 2014, telecoms complaints exceeded those from other sectors, generally numbering between 6000 and 7000. This compared to around 1500 complaints about broadcasting standards and around 25 per month relating to postal services, partly due to the fact that telecoms is a larger sector.

Among other findings, Ofcom found that 83 percent of UK households are now able to access the internet at home, with 82 percent of adults owning a connected device.