Bangor is using Harris NetXpress IP multiplexers, which enables its legacy radio systems to interoperate with high-speed ethernet systems, allowing Bangor to operate its two-way radio system over fiber – improving the ability of the city’s police, fire and ambulance systems to communicate.

Harris has been awarded the contract for the NetXpress system from Ritec Wireless, which was selected by the City of Bangor as the systems integrator for the mobile data project. The overall project includes a fiber interface for voter receivers and connectivity for mobile data access points, SCADA, telemetry, video security and future expansion at all city-owned facilities, on one private infrastructure.

On a single network, the city of Bangor will have total interoperability for public safety, including police, fire and EMS. The system will provide for future expansion of the system for Water and Wastewater Districts, City Public Works Department, the County of Penobscot and Bangor Hydro Electric Utility.

Tim Thorsteinson, president of Harris Broadcast Communications, said: Harris Intraplex multiplexers have been serving the T1/E1 media transport needs of commercial radio and public safety operations for decades. With the availability of the NetXpress IP multiplexer, operators are well equipped for the transition to IP.