MultiTech Computers (UK) Ltd has announced the MultiCom Tower, a hardware-software combination for networks for dial-in, dial-out, facsimile-in and facsimile-out. The Tower works with MultiComRNGateway – the company’s own gateway product for modem pooling and remote access for data and facsimile communications, which is said to provide remote control and remote node connections for up to 32 simultaneous users – NetWare Connect, or other software offerings, said the firm, a unit of privately-held, Minneapolis, Minnesota-based MultiTech Systems Inc. Components can include modems mounted in the company’s MultiModemManager Rack, providing up to 48 V.32 or V.34bis modems per rack; a Keyboard/Video MS9 Switch; 80486 Single Board Computers in a MultiArray II, said to contain a 20-slot user-configurable backplane for use with the boards; an Ethernet concentrator, said to provide up to 16 10Base-T ports with one AUI and one thin coaxial port; and an uninterruptible power supply. It is out now, but no prices were indic ated.