Fremont, California-based Logitech Inc has announced the MovieMan Video & Audio Capture Board. The signal capture is integrated, without the need for a separate sound board and the frame rate is up to 30 per second. It is ready for digital video and supports both NTSC and PAL analogue signals, as well as the Digital Video Connector Interface. It can capture still images in resolutions up to 640 by 480 in 24-bit colour and play CD-ROM based multimedia titles through support for Microsoft Corp Video for Windows and audio .WAV files. Onboard compression provides basic Level I hardware-assisted compression at a factor of four to six; with expandability for more powerful compression add-ons. It will ship with Adobe Systems Inc’s Premiere video editing application, and FotoTouch Color image editing software and EasyClip capture software, both from Logitech. MovieMan is $300 and was developed jointly with Winnov LP, a Sunnyvale, California firm. System requirements include an AT-alike system with a 80486 processor or above, 8Mb RAM, Microsoft’s Windows 3.1 running MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, VGA or higher graphics board, and Logitech or compatible pointing device.