Microsoft is said to be planning launch of more hardware devices, following the unveiling of its Surface tablet. Microsoft oversaw the development of the hardware for that device, shunning its usual method of partnering with hardware companies.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer told the BBC that more hardware devices are definitely on the agenda: "Is it fair to say we’re going to do more hardware? Obviously we are… Where we see important opportunities to set a new standard, yeah we’ll dive in."
The CEO’s statement was made prior to the launch event of Windows 8, following which the firm’s new Surface tablets will be available for sale for the first time.
The Surface comes in many different flavours, with an ARM-powered devices running Windows RT being released first, followed by a more enterprise-focused device, powered by Intel and running Windows 8.
Microsoft is currently accepting pre-orders for its new Surface tablet in the US prior to its launch scheduled and which will be priced between $499 and $699.
Following the launch, the new OS is also expected to be offered for download onto PCs powered by Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.