Microchip Technology has announced a new four-member family of high-performance 8-bit PIC microcontrollers (MCUs) for medical and metering applications.

The PIC18F87J93 8-bit direct LCD-drive MCUs feature up to 16 channels of 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC), the mTouch Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) peripheral for capacitive touch sensing, and a hardware Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC).

The 64- and 80-pin PIC18F87J93 MCUs have memory options ranging from 64 to 128 KB Flash program memory and 4 KB RAM, and are pin-out compatible with Microchip’s entire LCD-drive MCU portfolio.

The on-chip 12-bit ADC with up to 16 channels performs auto acquisition and works during sleep mode, enabling a low-power, reliable analog interface.

Mitch Obolsky, vice president of Microchip’s advanced microcontroller architecture division, said: “Microchip’s PIC18F87J93 family expands our portfolio of cost-effective LCD products. For metering and medical applications, their 12-bit ADC, mTouch peripheral and extended memory deliver a cost-effective feature set. The new devices offer a drop-in upgrade in features and memory to our popular and low-cost PIC18F85J90 LCD family.”