US-based Gateway says it was looking for a system to match its strategy of branching out from non-standard automotive and commercial automotive lines to general liability. It says the MFX system, which replaces two separate ones for commercial and personal automotive lines, is more user-friendly and can be better utilized by outside agents, inside claims people and financial managers.

Under the terms of the agreement, MFX says it will provide the new system to Gateway Insurance via an ASP- (applications service provider) based model. Not only does this enable subscriber-based usage, which can be controlled by Gateway, but also removes the need for investment in software licenses, hardware and experienced personnel that often make these types of projects cost-prohibitive.

Charles Fillizola, president of MFX, explained, WriteNow will provide Gateway with full policy administration functions including rating, policy issuance and billing. Our ClaimsAssure system speeds the claim handling process, minimizes mistakes and guides staff through financial transaction screens. ClaimsAssure frees the adjuster to spend more time adjudicating claims and less time completing paper forms.