SunSoft has Oracle Corp and SAS Institute applications already running under Solaris 2.0, the multi-processing Unix V.4 version of SunOS to ship on Intel-based hardware as well as the Sparc. Sparc versions of the system software ship from the second quarter of next year – Solaris 2.0 for Intel goes out 90 days thereafter – but Larson says it’ll have 15 applications running in the environment by the time of January’s UniForum show in San Francisco. Minimum configuration for an Intel-based box running Solaris 2.0 is a 33MHz 80386 or 80486 with co-processor, cache, 8Mb RAM, 200Mb fast disk, Ethernet, EISA bus and Mega or super VGA graphics (SunSoft hasn’t decided which to go for). With MS-DOS compatibility already included, Larson says Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac emulation for Solaris will follow, along with Santa Cruz Xenix and BSD compatibility. In addition it says a large systems vendor has signed up for its ToolTalk Solaris linking suite and an announcement is imminent.