From Ignacio ArgoteInvestronica SATomas Breton, 62, 28045 Madrid, Espana.

We deeply regret to inform you that information released on the Computergram International article, dated on April 26, concerning our company, some details are not correct, probably due to the long time passed between information supplied and publication of it. Investronica sales in 1990, amounted to 15,200 Pesetas, that is to say, an increase of 7.23% over the previous year, in which invoicing of 14,175 million Pesetas was obtained The number of units sold in 1990 was 42,775, occupying second place in the Spanish market. The sales increase per number of units was 15.60% over 1989, in which 37,000 units were sold. On the other hand, the relationship between Hardware and Software sales, was 90% invoicing for Hardware and 10% for Software.