Dortmund, Germany-based ITK Telecommunications AG, supplier of ISDN communications hardware to Internet service providers, has recently launched Business Connect, an integrated network messaging package aimed at small-to-medium-sized companies. The package was developed in conjunction with Novell Inc and UUNet Technologies Inc’s Internet access provider UUNet Pipex Ltd. According to ITK, Business Connect will provide users with Internet, intranet and remote access communications from the desktop. The communications package includes Novell NetWare 4.1 and GroupWise Version 4 messaging, scheduling and workflow software. Version 5 upgrades are available free of charge to existing ITK customers, for which the company anticipates a 30% take-up; Quarterdeck Corp’s I-WARE firewall gateway; ITK’s own MultiProtocol Router for ISDN 3.1 and ix1-basic ISDN adapter board, plus the option of Internet access, at a discount, from UUNet Pipex. Steve Shergold, managing director of ITK Telecommunications’s UK division, said that Business Connect users would not be locked in to Pipex’s access service.