IT decision makers in the US and the UK are worried about their organisations’ ability to identify and handle access management as IoT expands its boundaries.

Joan Lockhart, CMO of GlobalSign, said: "We see this survey as a call to action for IT leaders to realize their peers are concerned, and that it’s time to step up their identity and access management policies."

The GlobalSign research, conducted by Vanson Bourne, revealed that 90% of senior IT leaders at organisations with over 1000 employees were either somewhat concerned, very concerned, or extremely concerned about their organisations’ identity relationship and access management (IRAM) capabilities.

In the US, 66% of the IT executives surveyed ranked identity and network access as a matter over which they are either extremely or strongly concerned — with 21% of them rating their concern as extreme.

In contrast only 23% of UK respondents – nearly one-third of the US level – stated they were strongly or extremely concerned, with only 3% in the UK saying they were extremely concerned.

Results across four key vertical sectors showed that nearly twice the number of IT executives at financial services firms were extremely concerned about their organisations’ identity and access management in the face of the Internet of Things than their peer respondents in the manufacturing, retail or other sectors.

The study included companies with between 1000 to 3000 employees, and those with over 3000 staff.