Intel Corp has launched an ethernet network adapter designed to add extra features to managed personal computers, in other words Net PCs, the stripped down alternative to Network Computers launched by Microsoft Corp and Intel back in July (CI No 3,183). The Network Computer sales pitch centered around hidden costs within corporate PC use, namely the cost of configuration, software upgrades and day to day management. Intel responded with its own Wired for Management initiative, an attempt to provide centralized management of desktop systems. At the time, Wired for Management looked like a software initiative, but now Intel is supplementing the technology with specialized hardware. The new adapter uses management features from Intel’s LANDesk Service Agent, part of the LANDesk management suite, and IBM Corp’s Wake on LAN technology that enables personal computers to be switched on across a network. The card enables desktops to be switched on, booted up, and managed remotely, due to the combination of IBM and Intel technology.