Basingstoke, Hampshire-based Integral Solutions Ltd claims to have the first UK-originated software development tool for neural networks. The tool, called Poplog-Neural, runs under Sun, DEC, Hewlett-Packard, Apollo, and Sequent versions of Unix. It is marketed by Integral Solutions Ltd and licensed by the University of Sussex School of Cognitive and Computing Science. It is used for applications development in artificial intelligence research, and in software, manufacturing, and mechanical engineering. However, Integral Solutions believes that Poplog-Neural will introduce neural networks to commercial and industrial users and establish the technology within conventional systems. Poplog is a development environment that integrates compilers for Prolog, Common Lisp, and Pop II. It also interfaces to languages such as C and Fortran. Poplog-Neural enables the user to develop network configurations in an interactive loop. Graphics display the structure of the network and show adjustments to connections and node activations. Optimised Fortran routines perform floating-point calculations. Poplog-Neural will be supplied in source code form which enables the user to tailor the environment to specific applications or hardware. A single licence to Poplog-Neural costs UKP1,750 and that price includes a place on one of Integral Solutions’ one-day courses on neural networking technology.