ICL has added to its QuickBuild range of software devlopment tools with WorkBench, a system design package for VME-based Series 39 or 2900 mainframes: WorkBench connects to the ICL Data Dictionary System, and comprises an ICL DRS 300 graphics workstation running C-DOS, with Digital Research’s GEM Graphics Environment Manager and ICL’s Application Master generator; it comes with a 20Mb hard disk and conforms to the UK Government-approved Structured Systems Analysis and Design Management (SSADN) standard; the QuickBuild range, worth UKP30m to ICL so far, has been available for two years, with licences costing from UKP5,500 a quarter while the WorkBench hardware and software package costs UKP11,000 per workstation and ICL says it already has orders from 14 test sites.