IBM Corp’s expected RS/6000 implementations of the PowerPC 601 and 604 technology in one-to-four processor configurations is slated for the first day of Unix Expo on October 4. Meantime, as long as IBM’s RS/6000 hardware developers are rubbing shoulders with the AIX team in the same division, there is unlikely to be any public mention of the PowerPC Reference Platform-compliant Peripheral Component Interconnect boxes that are being put together at the division. They are part of assistant general manager for worldwide marketing at IBM’s RS/6000 Division, Jeff Mason’s recently detailed strategy for getting Power Personal ‘client’ operating systems, including SunSoft Inc Solaris, up on RS/6000 ‘servers’. Any displacement of AIX as the exclusive Unix within the RS/6000 unit would undoubtedly irk Donna Van Fleet’s team. It is a different kettle of fish over at the Power Personal Systems Division, where AIX and Windows NT, plus a host of other operating systems are being supported to propel IBM’s PowerPC clients to market.