IBM’s price rises are usually viewed positively by the market because they are seen to be made from a position of strength but the company’s decision to put up its US prices for most of its products on Friday just served to accelerate the decline in the IBM share price (see related story on page four). Unlike the 3% UK hike (CI No 1,138), the US price increases hit almost everything – lease and rental charges, purchase prices, one-time, initial, monthly licence charges, some IBM services, education and publications. Excluded are only items or new prices announced since November 10, which means those on the B70 AS/400, the 3090/100S; the PS/2 and its operating software, the RT, System/88 and the 3380, 9332 and 9335 disk drives. Maintenance is also excluded. The unkindest cut of all is that the special offer prices on 3090 E to S upgrades are also increased immediately. The hardware and one-time software licence price rises are effective immediately, rentals and monthly charges follow on July 1.