IBM Corp’s storage division in San Jose has come out with the 3466 Network Storage Manager or StorageSmart Solution, described as a self-contained, fully configured hardware and software product for automated back-up, storage management and recovery of data for businesses with enterprise-wide client-server environments. It can back up as much as 40Tb of data from hundreds of servers and desktop systems across networks, and the WebShell interface enables Navigator or IBM Web Explorer to be used to back up and restore files through the Internet or company Intranets. It uses Serial Storage Architecture disks, a Magstar 3590 Tape Drive and AdStar Distributed Storage Manager software, with support for 30 most widely-used operating systems, and incremental back-up for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2,Lotus Notes and R3. It is to be available next quarter; no prices were given for it.