IBM Corp has been issuing a stream of fixes over bulletin boards for its bug-ridden OS/2 2.0. According to PC Week, a bug-fix update posted on IBM’s OS/2 forum on CompuServe lists 23 separate files containing solutions to problems ranging from disappearing icons to out-of-control swap files to third-party hardware and software glitches. While continuing to post fixes on the bulletin board, IBM plans to release a service pack that contains all the fixes.Also this autumn, IBM is expected to add the ability to run Windows 3.1 applications along with a 32-bit graphics engine and new display drivers. The fixes already posted include a replacement for the OS/2 kernel, which is aimed at solving a number of problems including an alarming swap file that continues growing in size until it occupies all or most of the hard disk; IBM has also released a fix for users of Novell Inc’s NetWare Lite 1.0, aimed at stopping crashes of MS-DOS sessions.