Before the ink is dry on the original PR/SM announcement papers, IBM has come up with enhancements to the system, involving new 3090 hardware as well as changes to the operating systems – and also announced release 2 of DB2 version 2, adding the facility for DB2 databases on different machines to communicate with each other. New VM/XA-SP Multiple Preferred Guest software enables up to six preferred guests to run on all 3090 models when used with the PR/SM Processor Resource/Systems Manager. And on some 3090S models, the number of logical partitions with PR/SM goes to six from four, so that when appropriate multiprocessor models are physically partitioned, the number of logical partitions is now 12, up from eight. The company also added the 3090/250S as the entry-level multiprocessor below the 280S, for delivery in second quarter 1989. The PR/SM hardware enhancements on the Models 180S, 280S, 200S, 300S, 400S, 500S will be available with delivery. PR/SM is immediately available on the 3090-600S, which has begun shipping. VM/XA SP Multiple Preferred Guest is out now on all 3090s. The capability within DB2 2.2 for users to access data wherever it resides, presently limited to DB2 databases on scattered local and remote mach ines, is to be extended to other IBM systems that support Systems Application Architecture in due course, from mainframes to PS/2s. And the 2.1 release of DB2 is avai lable now, a month ahead of sched ule. SQL/DS and Query Management Facility are also enhanced. DB2 2.2 is set for third quarter 1989 at from $108,000 to $223,550; SQL/DS 2.2 is set for December 30 at $6,850 to $47,140; QMF 2.3 is out December at $47,250 to $97,520 for MVS, $11,810 to $81,270 for VM.