IBM, along with wireless sensor network hardware provider Libelium, has introduced the new Internet of Things Starter Kit that allows users to use dozens of sensor applications.

The new Starter Kit combines Libelium’s Waspmote wireless sensor platform with IBM’s Mote Runner software and 6LoWPAN, which helps the sensor and devices establish direct connection with the internet using the new IPv6 protocol.

Developed by the IBM scientists and Libelium engineers, the new kit is expected to simplify application development, testing, and scalability of wireless sensor networks (WSN).

Libelium CTO David Gascon said the company has worked closely with IBM to offer a development platform that can be used for both simulation and real IPv6 sensor connectivity.

"This platform is a powerful tool for improving and testing 6LoWPAN capabilities in the context of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things," Gascon added.

IBM Research computer scientist Thorsten Kramp said, "By making Internet of Things application development easier, the answers to the grand challenges of our age become more feasible."

The open software development platform IBM Mote Runner connects the sensor and actuator motes within wireless sensor networks.

The Internet of Things Starter Kit, along with a real-time operating system integrated in Libelium Waspmote nodes, is claimed to support over 60 different sensors available by simplifying the application development process.

Internet of Things SDK also includes the source code of the 6LoWPAN libraries that helps researchers modify and add their own algorithms and improvements.