IBM is continuing to innovate at the cutting edge with the announcement of two major projects, accelerating NVIDIA AI with cloud and taking its IoT technology to the Port of Rotterdam.

NVIDIA is set to leverage the IBM Cloud to apply its fastest V100 GPU, intending to provide customers with the ability to build AI, cloud-native applications.

The union of IBM and NVIDIA has drawn interest from high-profile organisations including NASA, harnessing capabilities provided by the partnership to streamline its asteroid modelling system that uses radar.

IBM and NVIDIA’s combined services are geared towards processing massive amounts of data, a vital requirement for training AI and deep learning systems – both top tech trends forecasted for the year ahead.

John Considine, GM of Cloud Infrastructure Services, IBM, said: At IBM, we’re focused on delivering new AI capabilities both in the cloud and on premises to help enterprises not only gain critical insights from their data, but also create new value with that data. We’ve been working closely with NVIDIA to bring their latest GPU (graphics processing unit) technology, NVIDIA Tesla V100, to the cloud and were the first to offer a comprehensive suite of GPUs including the P100, K80 and M60 on IBM Cloud bare metal and virtual servers.”

IBM recently broke a streak of 22 consecutive quarters of declining revenue, marking a starting point upon which Big Blue can build to once again rear its head. The tech giant is dragging itself back toward the limelight by pursuing a leading position in the race toward implementing top tech trends like AI and IoT.

“This new IBM Cloud service delivers near-instant access to the most powerful GPU technologies to date, enabling enterprises, data scientists and researchers from organizations including NASA Frontier Development Lab and SpectralMD to train deep learning models and create innovative cloud-native applications that address complex problems. IBM also collaborates with technology partners such as Rescale and Bitfusion to enable instant access to GPUs on IBM Cloud,” Considine said.

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Another recent example of IBM working to lead the way in the emerging technology space is the collaboration it has just announced with the Port of Rotterdam. IBM is set to provide cutting edge IoT technology to bring innovation to the 42-kilometre site.

In an IBM blog post, Vincent Campfens, Business Consultant, Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructure, Port of Rotterdam, said: “Using IBM IoT we will create a digital twin of the port – an exact digital replica of our operations that will mirror all resources at the port of Rotterdam, tracking ship movements, infrastructure, weather, geographical and water depth data with 100% accuracy. This part of our digitization initiative will help us test out scenarios and better understand how we can improve efficiencies across our operations, while maintaining strict safety standards.”

Digital twins have been included in the Gartner top strategic tech trends for 2018, a technology set to provide disruptive holistic insights to streamline and enhance processes and functionality. The application of this technology is indicative of IBM’s will to innovate at the cutting edge.

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