HTC has stepped up legal battle against Apple by filing a complaint with the US International Trade Commission (ITC), seeking a halt on the importation and sale of the iPhone, iPad and iPod in the US.

In the complaint filed, the Taiwanese cellphone maker has accused apple of infringing five of its patents.

Jason Mackenzie, vice president of North America at HTC, said: “As the innovator of the original Windows Mobile PocketPC Phone Edition in 2002 and the first Android smartphone in 2008, HTC believes the industry should be driven by healthy competition and innovation that offer consumers the best, most accessible mobile experiences possible.

“We are taking this action against Apple to protect our intellectual property, our industry partners, and most importantly our customers that use HTC phones.”

In March, Apple has filed a lawsuit concurrently with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) and US District Court in Delaware, alleging that HTC has infringed on 20 of its patents related to the iPhone’s user interface, underlying architecture and hardware.