Palo Alto, California-based HP will provide more than 15,000 devices and related support to 150,000 users in the US and Europe, in a deal that will see it replace Xerox Corp as Ford’s incumbent printing services supplier.

The size of the deal has not been disclosed, although it is thought to be greater in value than HP’s largest printing services deal, a $100m contract with Boeing Corp. The Ford contract will add some new momentum to HP’s services operation, which has struggled to build on some large outsourcing wins in the first half of 2003.

HP’s problems in overcoming human resources transfer issues on its $600m with the Bank of Ireland highlighted its relative inexperience in managing large outsourcing deals, and ComputerWire understands that HP is also failing to gain foothold contracts in the fast-growing business process outsourcing area.

This article is based on material originally published by ComputerWire