Hewlett-Packard Co used its OpenView Universe gathering in Boston yesterday to let everyone know it is serious about software and services, unveiling a full IT service management strategy plus a beefed-up list of OpenView partners and new products. It figured it would get a jump on Computer Associates International Inc and Tivoli Systems Inc which each have upcoming events dedicated to the same message. On the partner front, KPMG Peat Marwick was brought into the fold joining Unisys as an OpenView Global solutions partner. In the PC and Windows NT space, Entex and CompuCom signed high-volume agreements while four small channel partner announcements were made. Leading the new product offerings are a new version of OpenView IT service manager, promising tighter integration with OpenView components such as Operations and Network Node manager and the new web-based service metrics tool Measureware Service reporter. Continuing its commitment to NT, HP introduced a new 3.0 version of OpenView ManageX which extends service management functions into NT environments. It will be bundled with every NetServer. The back- up and restore product OmniBack II 3.0 will also now work on NT as well as Unix. A management product for internet-based services called Firehunter was also announced which HP hopes will lead to increased revenues from ISPs. In addition, HP extended its NetMetrix family of network monitoring and analysis tools with data collection probes that support ATM and E1 networks. New management features were added to the T1 and V series probes. HP signed on with network modeling and simulation software house Mill III Inc to add network planning capabilities to the OpenView family of products. Looking ahead, new asset management functions are planned for OpenView, enabling customers to track the total cost of information services and hardware.
