Honeywell Bull Ltd has been busy on the Pick front. The newly reorganised company has introduced Ultimate Corp’s Ultinet distributed database networking products, approved three new third party software products, and taken UKP2m worth of orders from its British and Irish dealers during its National Reseller Conference last month. Half the orders were placed by Freight Computer Services for customers in the transport industry and another UKP500,000 worth came from newly public UCL Group Plc. The approved software products are all applications development tools. They are Creator from Logical Choice Ltd, for file maintenance and enquiry, Libra Generator, for complex systems development, from Simdell Ltd and Computerstyle Ltd’s Paradyme which allows Data Basic programmers to generate update programs. Ultinet, based on the OSI seven layer model, gives Honeywell’s Pick users access to all files on remote or local networks subject to a security manager that allows file owners to control access to their files. Ultinet, inclusive of hardware, software and cabling, starts at UKP8,700 and is available immediately.