Hitachi Data has also been highlighting its new AS/CF remote computer control facility. Software and hardware links extend system operator functions to remote terminals over dedicated communication links or telephone networks. AS/CF also provides remote operation of initial microprogram load, and operators have full access to console display frames. AS/CF functions are password protected, and access may be limited to specially authorised personnel. It can be configured in several ways, and the local station may replace the functions of the Master Operations Console, or work in parallel. The three basic components consist of a base station personal computer within the processor environment, and holding the AS/CF remote control software; modems capable of AS/CF local and remote station communication; and a remote station personal computer or full function laptop computer. Optional software enables users to program applications, and they act by operator intervention or in automatic response. Synchronisation of the remote screens can be also provided so that changes will be automatically visible at all linked locations.