Oxford Unix systems manufacturer High-Level Hardware Ltd has wheeled out larger multi-user configurations of its Intergraph Clipper-based Orion 1/05 machine. A configured 32-user System 32 starts at around UKP30,000, while a 64-user System 64 is UKP50,000 to UKP60,000. The System 32 comes in four models, starting with the System 32A with Clipper CPU rated at 5.2 MIPS, 1 MFLOPS floating point unit, 8Mb memory, another 4Mb used to buffer input-output, 335Mb disk, 43Mb cartridge tape, three 12-line multiplexors and licence for the BSD 4.2-based OTS Unix. The two System 64s include half inch tape drive; System 64A has 24Mb memory, plus 8Mb for the inputoutput, two 355Mb disks, 64 ports and tri density tape drive.