Financial software house Global Software Inc of Reno, Nevada, has adopted IBM’s tiered pricing strategy for 9370 software products, tailoring software package pricing to the size of the processor on which they are to run. According to Ronald Kupferman, Global president, Although IBM’s approach to graduated pricing has been accepted by the systems software vendors, we believe Global is the first exclusive applications vendor to embrace this approach. An example of Global’s three level pricing is the Real-Time General Ledger and Financial Reporting System. For a 9375 Model 40 hardware configuration DOS/VSE, CPU Group 1, the price is $58,750; Group 2 is $82,250; this compares with $117,500 for a comparable 30XX mainframe configuration, Group 3. In addition to 9370-based software packages, Global’s products are designed to operate in a wide variety of IBM environments. This includes 43XX, 30XX and plug compatible mainframes, as well as System/38 small mainframes and System/36 business computers. Systems include General Ledger and Financial Reporting/Accounts Payable; Credit and Accounts Receivable Management System; Fixed Assets; Integrated Cost Control System; Hospital Cost Control System; Job Cost Control System; Integrated Sales, Distribution and Purchasing Management System; Global Link, and Global View. The company claims more than 2,400 products installed in 1,200 IBM sites.