Frame Technology Corp of San Jose, California has released the uniFilt for Spreadsheets software program that is claimed to provide seamless integration of Lotus 1-2-3 data with FrameMaker 2.1 publishing software: uniFilt runs on several machines including the Sun-3, Sun 386i, and Sparcstation workstations, the DECStation 5000, and IBM RS/6000 Series; Frame Technology says that it has been difficult to import spreadsheet data directly into formatted documents while maintaining the integrity of the data and the document’s consistent design, but UniFilt reads Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet files from any machine, in a networked environment; it then integrates the data as ASCII files to be formatted in FrameMaker; Lotus 1-2-3 files can be opened as stand-alone documents, or loaded into the middle of an active document, and UniFILT maintains the integrity of the spreadsheet data as well as consistent alignment; a single node uniFlit licence costs $380, and FrameMaker 2.1 is $2,500 and $1,000, depending on hardware.