New research from IDC has revealed that only 14% of enterprise organisations are digital transformers.

According to IDC, companies which recognise the impact of digital technologies on their industry are likely to gain an advantage over competitors, with slow adopters likely to be left behind.

Meredith Whalen, Senior Vice President of IT Executive, Industry and Financial Research, IDC, said: "We believe that DX integration across the dimensions described in this benchmark – including leadership, work sourcing, omni-experience, operating models, and information – will become the core challenge for business leaders in the next five years."

"Digital transformation is a foregone conclusion for most if not all businesses. The only choice for businesses is whether to hunker down and try to weather those disruptions, develop digital transformation competencies and become a disruptor, or split the difference and become a fast follower of disruptors."

Findings from the research showed that the majority of companies are yet to establish digital transformation at an enterprise level, instead the IDC believes that many are still digital explorers, or just probing into the area.

In terms of mature digital transformation companies, the research found that companies which have committed, now identify themselves as being ahead of the competition. This shows that by adopting early, companies have found a competitive edge.

The IDC MaturityScape on digital transformation, charts 5 stages for progression, with ad hoc being at the bottom and optimised at the top.

The study found that the majority of respondents fell into the middle stages of maturity with repeatable results and the opportunistic maturity stage.