Excelan Inc, San Jose has announced Exos 10614T, a TCP/IP networking package that ena-bles users of The Santa Cruz Operation Inc’s Xenix System V to communicate with dissimilar systems across a TCP/IP-based Ethernet local area network. The product also supports Santa Cruz’s Xenix-NET distributed file system and supports the latest release of SCO Xenix System V, Release 2.2. Simultaneously Santa Cruz announced release 1.2 of SCO Xenix-NET, which introduces a generic Xenix-NETBIOS device driver interface for local network hardware. Combined, the two products provide MS-DOS users running IBM PC-LAN Network programs a transparent file server and Santa Cruz Xenix users both a distributed Xenix file system and Microsoft Network file service, claims Excelan. The combined products are implemented on top of TCP/IP, which allows both SCO Xenix and MS-DOS users concurrent access to dissimilar systems on the Ethernetwork. Excelan and Santa Cruz jointly announced the development of the product at the Uniforum trade show earlier this year in Washington. SCO Xenix-NET is Santa Cruz’s packaged version of MS-NET for Xenix systems and enables users on multiple MS-DOS and Xenix machines to use remote files transparently and perform other network services controlled by standard Xenix system administration concepts and facilities. With Exce lan’s new product, SCO Xenix-NET resides on top of the NetBIOS layer of Excelan’s TCP/IP software so both Xenix and MS-DOS users can also simultaneously run Excelan TCP/IP personal computer-to-host terminal emulation or high-speed file transfer applications among dissimilar systems on the network.