Telecommunications equipment provider ZTE has launched the commercial trial of VoLTE call with enhanced single radio voice call continuity (eSRVCC) in Hong Kong, which claimed to make it the first firm to trial the new system.

Proposed by ZTE in 2009, the eSRVCC, is a voice application that allows making high quality voice calls during the modernisation of network to LTE and offers end-to-end QoS assurance.

ZTE Core Network vice president Tu Jiashun said that eSRVCC VoLTE call enhances connection time when compared to CSFB solution while reducing handover time over the SRVCC solution

"It gives LTE users more options and better service experience," Jiashun said.

"The success of this solution is a milestone in the development of the VoLTE ecosystem."

The application is accepted into 3GPP R10 as a standard technology promotion and is also supported by various operators and vendors.