IBM has signed a new five-year agreement with Westpac Group, to provide IT infrastructure services. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Under the agreement, IBM will be responsible for the operation of the Westpac key infrastructure services including new data centre, mainframe, midrange, storage, desktop, print and security operations.

IBM said that the contract is built to improve service quality for bank staff and customers, lowering risk, increasing cost control and supporting banks business agility.

Westpac Group technology group executive Bob McKinnon said the bank is pleased to continue to work closely with IBM as they transform their technology environment allowing them to introduce exciting new capabilities for their staff and customers.

"Over the past two years, IBM and Westpac have worked closely together to improve system reliability and improve the customer experience and this new contract will enable us to sustain and build on those joint successes as we continue to leverage IBM’s expertise, technology and knowledge of Westpac," McKinnon said.