Verizon Wireless and iSkoot have launched a social media application Social Beat, which it claims to allow Verizon Wireless’ customers to simplify their mobile social networking.

Running on the Verizon Wireless’s voice and 3G network, Social Beat allows customers to stay connected to social media sites, including Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, the companies said.

In addition, the new social app also displays more than 50 customer-selected feeds from the hottest names in news, sports and entertainment sources, which can be viewed in one central location. It also allows customers to view and manage their social networks through live feeds and real-time notifications.

According to Verizon Wireless, when customers sign in to Social Beat, they can view friends’ activity list, news feeds, status updates and new photos and can also post new status messages and tweets, send comments and messages, and receive updates from their personalised news section through a single stream on their mobile phone in real time.

Mark Jacobstein, chief executive officer of iSkoot, said: Social networking is the fastest growing sector in mobile. Because our solutions do the heavy lifting in the cloud and deliver communications to a single platform, service providers can bring social networking and news feeds to almost any mobile device they offer regardless of the technology.