Politwoops, an archive service that stors deleted tweets from politicians, has been banned from accessing the micro blogging site.

According to Twitter, Politwoops breached Twitter’s terms of service and added that it breached the privacy of Twitter users who delete tweets.

Politwoops is backed by Washington DC-based nonprofit Sunlight Foundation, which emphasises transparency in government.

The company has been capturing deleted tweets since 2012, and it operates across several countries including the UK, where it is still safe and presently has access to Twitter.

Gawker cited Twitter as saying: "Earlier today we spoke to the Sunlight Foundation, to tell them we will not restore Twitter API access for their Politwoops site.

"We strongly support Sunlight’s mission of increasing transparency in politics and using civic tech and open data to hold government accountable to constituents, but preserving deleted Tweets violates our developer agreement.

"Honoring the expectation of user privacy for all accounts is a priority for us, whether the user is anonymous or a member of Congress."

Twitter has been reportedly discriminating against third party apps as previously it removed Tweetbot for Mac app stores, and recently it pushed away Meerkat to support its own service Periscope.