Advertising on illegal websites in the UK dropped 73% following a police operation.

The fall came after the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) introduced Operation Creative in 2013, with the aim of reducing advertising on illegal sites by brands in automotive, food and drink and real estate sectors.

PIPCU Detective Chief Inspector Peter Ratcliffe said: "Operation Creative and our Infringing Website List (IWL) is just one of the many ways we are working together with the private sector to safeguard the public, protect the creative industries and ensure the reputation of advertisers and brands are not discredited through association with illegal websites."

Minister for Intellectual Property Baroness Lucy Neville-Rolfe added: "The Government takes copyright infringement extremely seriously – it hurts businesses, consumers and the wider economy.

"The results of Operation Creative show what can be achieved when enforcement agencies, industry and government work together.

"I am delighted PIPCU are clamping down on advertising of things like pop music and gambling on copyright infringing sites – protecting our industries and consumers from online crime."