Scope Technologies, a global technology provider specialising in fleet telematics, mobile resource management and pay as you drive offerings, has expanded its European footprint by opening new offices in Latvian.

The company said that the new offices will focus primarily on development, operations and sales functions and will complement the company’s existing offices and operations in South Africa, Singapore and Ireland.

Scope Technologies, provides modular offerings including hardware, middleware, software and billing engines to different industry verticals. It is expanding its partner and client base that currently exists in over 40 countries around the world.

Samuel Lavie, managing director of Scope Technologies, said: This is another positive development and milestone in our effort to build global footprint and further expand on our engineering and developmental capabilities.

“With this brand new addition, we are already planning for a series of new product and module launches in the coming months geared towards various new market requirements, this includes a new generation low cost hardware device for the insurance PAYD market, a new connected PDA offering, a further enhanced application gateway and a new rules engine for our web based MZone platform.”

The company’s product range helps its partners and their clients that currently include companies in the transport, logistics, leasing, utility, insurance, petroleum, medical, and security industries, to find new revenue streams through new technology service oriented business models.

Recently, the company also announced a new production facility in China in addition to the existing set up in South Africa and India as a result of increased demand of its products in international markets.