Flash memory storage applications provider SanDisk has acquired Schooner Information Technology for undisclosed sum to expand its reach into the enterprise storage market.

Schooner develops flash-optimised database and data store applications which will complement SanDisk’s enterprise solid state disk (SSD) and flash-optimised software applications that enable customers to accelerate the performance of data-intensive applications and reduce overall cost of ownership, the company said.

The enterprise software company products will be optimised for SanDisk’s enterprise SSD portfolio as well as for enterprise SSDs from third parties.

Under the acquisition, Schooner’s team of database and flash optimisation experts have joined SanDisk’s Enterprise Storage Solutions (ESS) team.

Schooner’s products are designed to fill the gap between stock do-it-yourself open source apps and high-end database deployments and also delivers enhanced performance, powering data centre consolidation at a lower cost.

The products deliver up to five times the throughput of competing configurations and they deliver near in-memory response times to mission critical applications along with enhanced replication and failover capabilities.

Schooner combines DRAM and flash memory into a single application to offer near DRAM performance at a lower cost.