South Korean mobile-makers Samsung and LG outperformed the market in the second quarter, numbers just published by Strategy Analytics show, and Apple sold more than six times as many iPhones in the quarter than it did in the year-ago period.

The number of mobile handset shipped between April and June reached 273 million units worldwide, which was down 8% from 297 million units a year earlier, estimates indicate.

Samsung reached a record high 19% market share, and LG hit an all-time high of 11%, the research and consulting firm has concluded in its latest appraisal of held-held shipments.

Apple shifted 5.2 million units of the popular iPhone smartphone according to Strategy Analytics, but this made for a tiny market for Apple which held steady at 2%. This compares with the major 37.8% stake that is held by market-leader Nokia.

Although operating profits at all the top mobile manufacturers have taken a bashing in recent quarters, it appears the market may be through the worst. 

“The rate of decline was slower than the previous quarter, as the market showed tentative signs of stabilisation,” the market-watchers suggested yesterday.

Among the top brands, Samsung reportedly has a market share of 19.2%, followed by LG’s 10.9%, while Motorola takes 5.4% and Sony Ericsson 5.1%.