Ruckus Wireless has launched wireless broadband access (WBA) system, which includes outdoor mesh APs, customer premises equipment (CPE), a new line of smart Wi-Fi backhaul systems and system-wide remote management.

The company claims that WBA offers service providers a 5x reduction in capital costs for initial coverage and a 30x reduction in the cost of incremental capacity.

The company said that it has combined 802.11n technology with its antenna designs and beamforming software to overcome interference problems. The antenna system enables efficient spatial reuse in wireless mesh networks by varying the direction of each packet transmission.

According to Ruckus, the smart mesh networking allows APs to be aggregated over gigabit ethernet for capacity without the overhead of additional mesh hops. APs can be added to increase capacity as business grows, enabling providers to reduce CAPEX; realise faster time to revenue; and reduce operational expense by an order of magnitude.

The company said that the WBA offering provides elements for building a wireless broadband access infrastructure, including customer premise equipment, meshed Wi-Fi access points, backhaul and local and remote Wi-Fi management.

The WBA offering includes Meshed Access Network, ZoneFlex 7762, a dual-band 802.11n Smart Wi-Fi outdoor access point, ZoneFlex 2741, 802.11g Smart Wi-Fi outdoor access point; wireless backhaul; customer premises equipment ; and remote Wi-Fi service management, the company said.

Bruce Bateman, chief operating officer of WiNet, said: We see huge cost savings and much faster time to profit using Smart Wi-Fi to deliver a reliable broadband service to subscribers. Advances in Wi-Fi that extend signal range, reduce backhaul cost and provide adaptive, self-healing meshing are impossible to ignore. With Ruckus, we can now build out our infrastructure faster, on-demand, at a radically lower cost and with better performance and reliability.