Redline Communications Group, a provider of specialised broadband wireless systems, has entered into a partnership agreement with PromonLogicalis, Latin America’s independent IT and communications services integrator.

Through this partnership, Redline will strengthen its position in Latin America where PromonLogicalis has dominant presence in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Under the agreement, PromonLogicalis will allow Redline to increase its market presence over the entire region while meetings its customers growing demand for wireless offerings with Redline’s suite of specialised broadband wireless radios and software.

PromonLogicalis director of technology Carlos Pingarilho said as the demand for more sophisticated, higher-bandwidth networks increases, their customers need quality wireless offerings that deliver unsurpassed functionality and performance.

"Our partnership with Redline gives our customers the best of both worlds, access to a superior wireless product line and the value-added services that they have come to expect from us," Pingarilho said.