Social networking site Reddit has launched its first standalone news site, ‘Upvoted’, which will have content from the parent site as well as content approved by advertisers.

The site will put up bvetween 10 to 40 editorials, original videos, podcasts, and graphic arts with stories each day.

A team of writers and editors will be working for the site and "will scour every nook and cranny to cover Reddit’s untold stories, conduct interviews, and, in some cases, orchestrate podcasts or video content," Reddit said.

The initial plan is to post up to 20 editorial articles per day.

The site also intends to release one Upvoted podcast and two videos per week, including a video Ask Me Anything question-and-answer feature and an episode of a Web series that Reddit is developing.

Upvoted editorial lead Vickie Chang was quoted by the Washington Post as saying: "We’re hoping to tell the whole story.

"A lot of stories don’t tell you what led up to [a viral] post, or what happened after. We’re hoping to provide more details for readers."

The firm aims to broaden the appeal of the recent launch and will be eliminating a lot of the Reddit users’ lingo or shorthands to avoid confusion among the users, especially the new ones.

The new site will, however, not allow any comments on the posts, which is unlike the usual Reddit features.